An excellent way to find out more about permaculture is to attend a two-day introductory course. This ‘taster’ will provide an opportunity to actively learn about the principles & see examples of designs being implemented by Guba.
The course provides the opportunity to discuss vitally important issues in a positive, creative & supportive space. The course is dynamic, participatory & thought provoking.
- Ethics & principles
- Design
- Examples of permaculture
- An observation exercise
- Practical exercises
- An overview of the permaculture network & how to find out more.
It is worth stating that introductory courses are primarily a way of sharing skills & knowledge, & building interest in an area. They are an excellent way of getting other people with shared interests together to design a sustainable way forward & get involved in a project. Introductory courses don’t cover topics in great detail – it is a taster & overview. If you already know you want to find out about permaculture in more depth, it may be better to go straight on to a full permaculture design course. Some people however have found that attending an introduction to permaculture course was enough – with the enthusiasm generated by the course, plus books & their own knowledge, people have gone on to create some incredible projects after attending the weekend course.
We are designed to cater for groups with a minimum of 8 & a maximum of 30 for this course. If you would like us to design this course for your group or you would like to take this course as an individual, please contact us with your request & we’ll get back to you.
The course fees depend on the length of the course we design around your needs, the number of participants, catering & accommodation requirements. Contact us with an outline of these things & we’ll get back to you.
We appreciated our training yesterday & the effort you had gone to to prepare for us & make it effective. The students were talking alot on the way back & that is usually a sign they were impressed & learned something.Lucinda Bride, IB2 Environmental Systems class teacher, Waterford Khambala