Guba Centre, March 2015Our training courses have evolved to the beat of the needs & interests of our community members. We are motivated to deliver skills-based training opportunities that will help people improve quality of life. For us, this means sharing skills, designs & approaches that care for people, care for the Earth & create a fair share.

Accordingly, we run short courses in areas community members have shown interest in attending over weekends. So far, interest has been in sustainable agriculture techniques, natural resource management, & a variety appropriate technologies from ferrocement water tanks to lime plastering & making earth blocks. We also run courses introducing permaculture for those wishing to gain a more inter-connected overview of solutions that lead to a sustainable lifestyle.

For a life-changing, in-depth immersion into permaculture – a thinking tool for designing low carbon, highly productive human & environmental systems – we run an annual permaculture design course (PDC) using the internationally recognised permaculture curriculum, which we have adapted to better suit the Swazi context.

We are a not-for-profit charitable organisation but we do need to cover the costs involved in running training opportunities – this is what governs our pricing.

If you would like to get a better idea of what you could learn with us or if you have something you would like to share with us, come to our monthly tour at Guba which is held on every first Monday of the month from 1400 – 1630. To add depth to all our training opportunities, we have built a living showcase of all the appropriate technologies & approaches we have found help improve quality of life effectively & cheaply using local resources. The tours are free & open to interested, motivated members of the public!


Gubatraining courses